Tag: EC2

  • Think before Stopping ASG Instances

    Think before Stopping ASG Instances

    Keep Your ASG Healthy: Put EC2 Instances in Standby Mode Before Stopping/Rebooting Them. As an AWS user, you know that stopping an EC2 instance in an Auto Scaling group (ASG) can trigger the ASG to replace the instance with a new one. This is because the ASG considers the stopped instance unhealthy and replaces it…

  • Protect Your EC2 instances from Termination in ASG

    Protect Your EC2 instances from Termination in ASG

    Protecting Your EC2 Instances in AWS: Don’t Forget About Auto Scaling! As an AWS user, you’re likely familiar with EC2 termination protection, a safeguard feature that prevents accidental termination of instances through API, CLI, or console. However, did you know that termination protection alone won’t prevent Auto Scaling groups from terminating EC2 instances? While instances…